5 Lessons to Be Learned from ’80s Love Songs

News of an impending East Coast storm has hijacked all the local TV stations. In other headlines, Valentine’s Day is happening Friday. To celebrate, I thought I’d have some fun with today’s blog.

I’ll admit it … sometimes I like to listen to Sirius XM Love on the way to work. Many of the songs are awesomely bad, holding a special place in my heart. But is there something more to them beyond the standard “can’t-live-without-you” creep factor? Totally! After a quick Internet search of ’80s love songs, I realized there are valuable business lessons to be learned—even if that means taking a few liberties with the lyrics. Get to know some of those lessons here, and fall in love with your work all over again.

1. Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough
(Performed by Don Henley and Patty Smyth)

In lieu of flowers and candy, you’ve spent a lot of precious time and creative energy courting a special client. But as the lyrics in this song point out, “There’s a danger in loving somebody too much.” Don’t neglect your existing business relationships in exchange for unrequited love. When it’s time to move on, don’t get too hung up over something that could’ve been because, in sales, rejection is the name of the game—and, well, sometimes love just ain’t enough.

2. Alone
(Performed by Heart)

Let’s focus on Ann Wilson and her powerful voice for a second. Close your eyes and listen to her belt out: “Till now I always got by on my own… .” We’re all part of a team for a reason. Lean on them for support. Brainstorm with them. Celebrate victories with them. Really, the only alone time you need is face-time with your clients.

3. Say You, Say Me
(Performed by Lionel Richie)

Confidence is king. Don’t believe me? Listen to Lionel: “That’s right, I’m telling you. It’s time to start believing […] believing who you are—you are a shining star.” “Faking it” may serve you well in those early years when you’re still gathering product knowledge, but being genuine in your approach will take you farther. Ditch the gimmicky plea and believe in yourself. The others will follow.

4. Don’t Dream It’s Over
(Performed by Crowded House)

The economy got you down? Low profit margins? An uneven playing field? No matter the reason, your team learns by example. They look to you for encouragement. Give them that much, even if you have to borrow from Neil Finn. For example, try fitting this line into your next motivational speech: “There’s a battle ahead; many battles are lost, but you’ll never see the end of the road while you’re traveling with me.”

5. Glory of Love
(Performed by Peter Cetera)

I’m not going to manipulate any lyrics here. But that doesn’t mean inspiration can’t be found in the mighty love song from “The Karate Kid, Part II.” You know that part in the song when Peter Cetera goes, “It’s like a knight in shining armor from a long time ago,” and you start singing along with him, your raised fist in the air as a sign of strength and unity? Right? Simply feed off of that energy and go make things happen!

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